Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office To Host Wisconsin Jail Association Workshop


The Wisconsin Jail Association is conducing an eight (8) hour workshop on Friday, November 6, 2015 at the Milwaukee Country Sheriff’s Office Training Academy (9225 South 68th St, Franklin). Instructors for the workshop are from Vistelar, a Milwaukee-based conflict management training company, and will include Gary Klugiewicz, Joel Lashley, Pete Jaskulski, Mike Mastaw, Derrick S. Washington, Sr, Jill Weisensel and Bob Willis. Online registration is at

Gary Klugiewicz, Director Training at Vistelar, said, “We are excited to be putting on this workshop for Wisconsin correctional professionals.  This cost effective, information packed, training event will provide valuable additions to the attendee’s tactical tool belt while introducing them to the valuable resources provided by the Wisconsin Jail Association.”

Here is just some of what attendees will learn:

  • Staying safe and defending your verbal and physical response in a video rich world
  • Communicating with, persuading, and non / de-escalating people who are different from you
  • Utilizing Point-of-Impact Crisis Interventions (P.I.C.I.) tactics that reduce conflict and promotes safe resolution
  • Developing your tactical verbal response and translating it into your verbal testimony and written reports
  • Mastering tactics for controlling distance, relative positioning, and proxemics to stay safe in close quarter encounters.
  • Using Bystander Mobilization to get people to intervene before things get out of hand.
  • Keeping everyone safer with RIPP restraints during non-cooperative prisoner escort / transportation.

The normal cost of the workshop is $35.00 but it’s free for those who attended the 2015 Wisconsin Jail Association Annual Conference. Refreshments and lunch will be provided.

The Wisconsin Jail Association is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting those who work in and operate Wisconsin Jails. Vistelar is a global consulting and training organization focused on preventing and managing conflict at the point of impact (

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